Creative Expressions from the Faculty of Medicine
An lnward Gaze Outward
Sewing hands, brushstrokes, camera clicks, and handmade prints – these are the diverse techniques employed by the creators in this exhibition, members of the Faculty of Medicine. Nine artists have imprinted drearns woven in their private rooms onto paper and canvas, creating a world for themselves which now is revealed to us. With one click of the camera button, Aviv Halfen chooses to create compositions that, through computer processing, forge a newrealm; a realm in which the artist seeks to glimpse the child within, his family, and their embrace and understanding that he so needs. Avli Rubinstein’s brushstrokes are soft and thick, highlighting the human texture crecited by his figures. Azaria Rein paints in a classicstylethe heart’ssilhouette emerging through the light he casts on thesurface ofthe portrait, which looks back at us, the viewers. Michael Steinitz’s crayon and pastel hues invite us to lyrical and abstract landscapes of the land, where everyone can choose where they want tobe. The wonderful, hidden world teeming underthesurface ofthewater is revealed to our eyes through the camera lens and the eye of Nir Friedman. Daniel Z ilberscheid’s scienti fi c an d chemical realm allows him to shed new light on manual printing techniques. A colourful world is transformed into countless shades of black and white. In Assel Saadi’s still life paintings, the walls of her childhood home are rendered in oils – those very walls that became the canvas for her early artistic expressions. The flame in the painting embodies her internal driving passion. The entrancing gaze Eleanora Medvedev seeks in the eyes of th e women sh e photogr aphs is enveloped in soft fabrics and gentle light. Revital Arbel’s hand embroiders a woman, heals a wo man, heals h ersel f – g ivi ng agency to the aching, wounded body. Her journey between lndia and Israel is rendered as a colorful embroidered medical stamp.
The lives above and below the surface coalesce into the artists’ personal expressions, an inward gaze outward and displayed in the exhibition.
Michal Mor, Curator, The Hebrew University
In this selection of artwork:s by members of the Faculty of Medicine, personal and poetic channels of expression, complementing the creators’ professional routines in the fields ofscience and medici ne, are presented for the first time. The tapestry of voices and artistic pieces inhabits the shared human and cultural space of the faculty community, attesting to its resilience and multifaceted nature. The realms of healing and creativity have always been closely and fruitfully intertwined -twoworlds in dialogue with each other. The exhibition of photographs of the diverse artworks, situated at the intersection of paths leading to the medical faculty buildings, seek:s to manifest these connections and encounters between physical healing, mental healing, healers, patients and the various roles within the medical professions. Our thanks tothe creators participating in the exhibition: Revital Arbel, Nir Friedman, Avrv Halfen, Eleonora Medvedev, Azaria Rein, Avery Rubinstein, Assel Saadi , Michael Steinitz, Daniel Zilbeisheid.
My heartfelt gratitude goes to everyone who helped in the realization ofthe project.
Anat Reches, initiator and producer of the exhibition, Faculty of Medicine