An Artist Book
Transgender people live inside a body that have the biological stigma of a binary gender assignment. Some decide to take hormones of the sex they feel they belong to, and some opt for gender affirmation surgeries. Little is known about the Psychobiological mechanism of this phenomenon which is present in around three percent of the population. A distinct and quickly growing sub-group
is people defining themselves as non-binary.
Aim of study:
I suggest exploring the possibility that gender assignment and binarity should be flexible and changeable according to the personal preference.
The aim of this study is to find new ideas by using artistic research strategies to address the need for a more flexible and easier affirmation process.
A gender research laboratory would be open to professionals from various fields: artists, scientists, and activists. Participants will get the chance to become familiar with embryonic sexual differentiation and hormonal pathways and learn the current complicated and demanding process of medical gender confirmation in details. Brain storming sessions will take place, and the audience begin experimenting with the theoretical and practical ideas to address the problem.
I would like to challenge the current view and practice of the confirmation process, thus offer an alternative visionary approach. I believe
that combining art and science in the philosophical and practical way is the only affective approach to deal with the complexity of this critical issue