Artwork name: Angst essen Liebe auf Series: Iconas Technique: photoprint on canvas and acrylic
Artwork name: Angst essen Liebe auf Series: Iconas Technique: photoprint on canvas and acrylic
Artwork name: Out of the blues Series: Iconas Technique: paper acrilic and aquarelle
Artwork name: Hanim Bey Series: Iconas Technique: drawing, acryllic paint, fabric
Artwork name:вагина Series: Iconas Technique: drawing, paper acrilic and watercolurs
Artwork name: مهبل Series: Iconas Technique: drawing, acryllic paint, fabric
Artwork name: Scheide Series: Iconas Technique: drawing, acryllic paint, fabric
is a surgeon, obstetrician, and artist. She performs pelvic reconstruction surgeries, repairs vulvar and vaginal tears and scarring, and creates new vaginas in Sexual reassignment surgeries. She also restores virginity as a life-saving procedure. She delivered hundreds of babies and mothers.
She uses photography and embroidery to express her feelings and thoughts about her job and the injustice she observes in the hope of promoting a change.