“The expectation of virginity requires war”

Calcalist 4.8.2022


Gynecologist Dr. Revital Arbel engages in vaginal mending for women whom society expects to marry as virgins, gender adjustment for transgenders and treatment of sexually abused children. She deals with the pain that her patients and she herself are experiencing through her art that tries to show “how from a small place like the vagina there is so much politics and injustice”

Dana Gillerman

Revital Arbel in the garden of her house next to works from her art project about suicide among transgender women.

“To help them I am doing something that is contrary to my worldview. Because in my view women should not »fix« their virginity nor marry as Virgins.”


Artwork name: Travestie

a joint work by Revital Arbel and Friedemann Derschmidt

Collage of Photographs

The rôle travesti is the trouser role and in ballet, where the dominant language is French, opposite-sex roles are danced en travesti or en travestie. The word means “disguised” in French. Depending on sources, the term may be given as travesty, travesti, or en travesti.

This work consists of several photo snippets. Firstly, there is a series of photos of Revital Arbel’s eldest son, who is dressed as a nurse in a Purim costume. The other photos show Friedemann Derschmidt’s grandmother’s brother-in-law in two very different situations. One as a so-called Flintenweib – a military ruse in which Wehrmacht soldiers disguised themselves as Russian peasant women in order to be able to get closer to the enemy, and in the other pictures you can see the same man dressed as a woman in a classic play. These pictures come from a US prisoner of war camp in Colorado / USA.


International Women’s Day 2022 – fighting violence against women as part of the social work of Avraham Hostels and Tours, we asked our team what social, community or environmental issue they think is appropriate to promote during the year 2022. The topic “The status of women in Israel” was chosen by the majority of votes.

As a first step, we issued a call for creators to submit a proposal for a poster on violence against women, which will be displayed on the front of the hostel building in Tel Aviv. Among dozens of exciting, personal and touching proposals, the work “There are silent plagues” by Livnat Yafet, architect, designer and illustrator from Mahod-Hasharon, was chosen. Livnat says: “In light of the current reality, I felt compelled to connect the issue of violence with the complex times in which we live. In the shadow of the plague, it sometimes feels as if the other “plagues” are being pushed aside, even though they are present, painful and claim more victims than ever before.”

We decided to combine all the other works into a poster exhibition, which will be another platform as part of the fight against violence against women. From the voice calling: While November 25 is designated as a day to mark the fight against violence against women, the reality of all the other days feels the opposite; Reports of cases of violence against women are a daily occurrence, an inseparable part of every news release or headline, and a routine experience during the life of every woman in Israel. physical, sexual, verbal or mental violence; Between spouses, in workplaces, between commanders and female soldiers, between celebrities and lesser knowns; Violence against Jewish women, against Arab women, against immigrants, against heterosexuals, against gays, against transgender women, against secularists, against ultra-orthodox women, against young or old women. The problem of violence against women is a phenomenon that crosses social classes, cultural circles, religious or geographic affiliation, age or cultural background. With the aim of increasing our activities to eradicate the phenomenon of violence against women and in the pursuit of gender equality, Avraham Hostels and Tours appealed to creators to submit a proposal for a poster on the topic of violence against women, to be displayed on the front of the hostel building in Tel Aviv. More about the Avraham poster project: On the front of the “Abraham Hostel” in Tel Aviv is a huge period poster, which has become the symbol of the organization.

The poster, measuring approximately 10 x 15 meters, is replaced every few months with the aim of utilizing the unique and central location as a stage for art with various community and social aspects, with a distinct emphasis on the values ​​of tolerance, equality and freedom of creation and expression. The posters are created out of collaborations between Avraham and local artists and designers, and express a common point of view for the creative artists and the network regarding what is happening in Israel. Especially for the opening night of the exhibition, we will host the performance show “Chapel of Joy” by the artist Hadar Alfasi. The show will take place in the small gallery at 20:00. The entrance is free. About the show: Makfelat Simcha – between Hasidic music and origami Origami, the art of paper folding that originates in distant Japan, requires concentration, precision and a degree of obsession. So is prayer. In a show that consists of movement pieces, singing a melody and origami, the artist seeks to trace the course of her life and that of women wherever they are. In search of precision, beauty and predetermined order of actions required of a religious woman, sometimes even at the cost of her life. Hadar Alfasi is a multidisciplinary artist from Jerusalem. Graduated from the acting school ‘Beit Zvi’. Owner of the origami brand Origamli. Photographer, songwriter and performer. Avraham Tel Aviv The Gallery in Avraham (1st floor)




Artwork name: Eco Erotica

Artwork dimension: 53X130 cm


Technique: Photograph printed on textured paper

A tree trunk invoking memories of primeval eroticism, pregnancy, and birth alongside the body of the artist, mother of five, and obstetrician emit a deep connection to nature and mother earth and present musings about sexuality, fertility, and a longing for a simpler world.


Artwork name: Placenta

Year: 2021

Artwork dimension: 33 x 26 cm

Technique: Printed fabric and embroidery

The placenta is an organ that forms in the womb, during pregnancy. The placenta is connected to the developing baby by the umbilical cord. Through the umbilical cord, the placenta provides oxygen and nutrients to the developing baby.
It’s a symbol of hope and a prospect for a new horizon


Artwork name: Still Death

Year: 2021

Artwork dimension:

Technique: edited photography printed on silk, embroidery

Revital Arbel uses photography and embroidery to express her feelings and thoughts about the relations between her profession and the natural world. The natural harmony and disharmony in nature relates to her work as she finds herself on the thin line between the natural order and human intervention, often without resolution.